
Would You Rather… Dental Edition!

Posted by Southeast Family Dental Sep 03,2021

This is a thumbnail image of blog Would You Rather… Dental Edition!

You’ve undoubtedly been asked a “would you rather” question at some point in your life. You might even own the popular, Pick Your Poison Card Game, to play with your family and friends whenever you want.

Here at Southeast Family Dental, we thought it would be fun to put together our own “would you rather” dental edition. Read on to see which outcomes you would choose.

Would you rather…

  • Be forced to floss five times per day
    Have a gold tooth for the rest of your life

Would you rather...

  • Put a dirty denture in your mouth
  • Use your spouse’s toothbrush

Would you rather...

  • Get a tooth filled
  • Give a presentation to 1000 people on a topic you know nothing about

Would you rather...

  • Not be able to bite correctly
  • Drool every time you drink

Would you rather...

  • Attend a public event with a missing front tooth
  • Have bad breath for a week?

Would you rather…

  • Have no teeth for the rest of your life
  • Have shark teeth for the rest of your life

Would you rather…

  • Never be able to taste your food again
  • Get three dental fillings without anesthetic

Would you rather...

  • Not feel anything in your mouth for a month
  • Go without your phone for a week

Would you rather...

  • Get a shot of Novocaine every day for a week
  • Wear headgear to work for a week

Would you rather…

  • Not be allowed to brush your teeth for two weeks
  • Have a root canal

Would you rather...

  • Have a full set of upper and lower braces for one year
  • Get your teeth cleaned at the dentist once per week

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