If you cried out, “Water!” you are absolutely correct.
The sugar content in drinks like soda pops and juices can be staggering and more people are becoming aware of that because of the calorie issues. But what is less known is the effect of the acids in drinks, including alcoholic libations. The acids have a negative impact on the enamel on your teeth, eating it away and leaving teeth vulnerable to decay and sensitivity.
Even with that knowledge, however, we don’t always opt for a glass of water instead. Besides the argument that we LIKE the other drinks, what else holds us back?
The dentists and team at Southeast Family Dental have wondered and talked about that. Our patients have told us that they drink tap or bottled water at home for the most part—after the initial few cups of coffee in the morning. We noticed they were very particular in saying they drink water AT HOME.
Interestingly, this is not a phenomenon unique to the United States. A recent article at Dentistry Today reports that the Local Government Association (LGA) in the United Kingdom says that 8 out of 10 people usually drink tap water at home, but only a third do so while dining out. And, 15% of those who drink tap water at home don’t even think to ask for it in a restaurant.
So What Is the Story About Water and Drinks When Dining Out?
One of the points that came out of our office discussions is that people (in the US and abroad) may feel awkward just ordering water in a restaurant.
So we started paying attention to what happens in restaurants. Here are some of the observations we made:
In years past restaurants would automatically bring water to the table for each person when you were seated. That is simply not the case any longer. It seems that restaurants don’t offer water and often discourage people from ordering water.
In Europe, tap water is most often considered just like any other drink order in restaurants. You pay for the glass of liquid and refills are at the cost of another drink. But that is not the case in most of the restaurants in the United States. The Southeast Family Dental dentists delight at the option of lots of free refills of water glasses here.
We want to find out what our patients and readers actually drink when dining out. So we would like you to answer a poll (it’s quick and easy!).
Although we offer a wide array of services from preventive dentistry to restorative dentistry solutions, and even cosmetic dentistry, our practice wants all our patients to have the healthiest teeth and oral health possible. Drinking water may seem like a small change, but it can have huge benefits for you.
Contact our office to schedule a dental check-up soon. A healthy mouth is good for the rest of your body’s health, too!
Please, take our poll and be honest! We really want to know.
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